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Sustainability at our hotel

Our goal at theiner’s garten is to operate sustainably, keep our CO2 consumption as low as possible, and to offset it with adequate measures. To achieve this goal, everybody plays their part. Do you have any suggestions for us? We’re always happy to learn new ways to save resources!

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Energy saving:
  • Lights are only turned on when necessary. When the sun shines through the windows of our bar, restaurant, and pool, the lights must be turned off.
  • We only heat or air-condition rooms that are occupied.
  • Appliances and stoves are only turned on when necessary.
  • We adjust our sauna opening hours according to demand.
  • Our solar and photovoltaic panels cover 50% of the required annual energy.
Waste avoidance and recycling
  • Whenever and wherever possible we avoid producing unnecessary waste.
  • Paper, cardboard, glass, wood, and organic waste is collected, separated, and recycled.
  • Residual waste is stored in containers to save space.
  • We only use recycled paper. For internal use, we reuse sheets already written on one side.
  • Plastic waste and microplastics pollute our soil and seas. We therefore try to avoid plastic products as much as possible.
  • We replace plastic packaging with other products when possible.
  • We only use recycled cling film produced without plasticiser. We also try to avoid aluminium foil whenever possible.
  • We don’t use straws at the bar.
  • Guests’ plastic bottles are recycled.
  • Water is a precious resource that we try to save as much as possible. At the same time, we do everything we can to avoid contaminating groundwater.
  • Don’t let water run unnecessarily.
  • The water of the Kneipp facility is turned off at night, unless it’s needed to water our garden.
  • Our biodegradable washing and cleaning agents are used sparingly, as even organic detergents and cleaning agents can pollute groundwater, rivers, and lakes.
  • We only change bed linen and towels when requested by our guests. We do not use tablecloths.
  • Organic food is produced with a lot of effort and hard work. We try our best to use all parts of it so that as little as possible ends up in organic waste.
  • We buy consciously and only as much as necessary, so that our products are always fresh.
  • Leftovers are also precious and are used with creativity and know-how, for example leftover vegetables are used for broth or vegetable soup, bread for crisps at the bar, and much more.
  • We deliberately serve small portions, but you can always ask for more. As a result, less food ends up as waste.
  • We focus on seasonality: For example, we only serve oranges when they’re ripe in Italy.
  • Especially when it comes to meat, we require the best local quality. We also consciously reduce the number of meat dishes.
  • To us, sustainability also means treating others in a respectful and kind way, and helping each other when we notice that someone needs a hand. We show humanity and sometimes do things that are not strictly part of our job.
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theiner’s garten
The Theiner Family // Via Andreas Hofer 1
39010 Gargazon/Gargazzone near Merano/Meran // Italy
T +39 0473 490880 //